3036 Atlanta Highway, Dallas, GA 30132

Get a Bright Holiday Smile with Teeth Whitening in Dallas, GA

November 16, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 2:04 am

Your dentist for teeth whitening in Dallas, GAThe holiday season is the perfect time of year to spend laughing and smiling with friends and family. However, if your smile is not as bright as it once was, you may find yourself holding back from fully enjoying the festivities. Do not let tooth discoloration dim your holiday celebrations. You can have a brighter, whiter smile just in time for the holidays with professional teeth whitening in Dallas, GA. Distinctive Dentistry will help you brighten your smile using one of our safe and effective whitening treatments.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

When you begin to notice tooth discoloration causing your smile to dull, you have probably considered over-the-counter whitening treatments. You may have even given a few of these products a try. While these products are affordable and convenient, they are not effective. Over-the-counter whitening products do not contain professional-grade whitening agents. As a result, they are ineffective for deeply penetrating the enamel to produce any noticeable results. If any results do appear, they can be inconsistent and they will not last long. The only way to achieve noticeable and lasting results is with professional teeth whitening.

Professional Teeth Whitening Options

Distinctive Dentistry offers patients at-home whitening treatments that are safe and effective. We understand that the holiday season is busy enough without having to schedule dentist appointments. With the at-home kit, you will whiten your smile around your own schedule. Although you will whiten your teeth at home, you will achieve professional results.

Unlike over-the-counter whitening kits, our at-home kits contain professional-grade whitening agents that are only available from a dentist. As a result, the whitening gel or bleach will deeply penetrate the enamel to lift away even the toughest of stains.

The at-home kit consists of custom-made trays to ensure comfort during the treatment and even distribution of the whitening agent. We create the trays using impressions from your teeth. This provides a comfortable fit while you sit back and relax to whiten your teeth.

In addition to the trays, we provide you with the professional grade gel or bleach to use at home. You will wear the trays as recommended each day, making it easy to whiten your teeth around your own schedule. In just 14 days, you will notice drastically whiter teeth that you achieved from the comfort of your own home. With the right aftercare, your new bright smile will last.

Get a Bright Smile for the Holidays

If your smile has started to dull from tooth discoloration, we know it impacts your confidence. You probably do not smile as often or you may try to hide your smile. This holiday season, stop hiding behind tooth discoloration. Restore the appearance of your teeth with professional teeth whitening.

As a family and cosmetic dentist, we will perform the consultation needed to determine if teeth whitening is right for you. We will discuss your options to help you choose the best one to meet your needs and comfort level. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment for a bright new smile.


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