3036 Atlanta Highway, Dallas, GA 30132

Top 4 Risks of Not Flossing From a Family Dentist in Dallas!

May 25, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 8:27 am

Man flossing his teethImagine if every time you showered, you stood with only the right side of your body inside the shower. Your right side would get clean each day, but the left side would never get clean. No one would ever dream of doing that, right?

Yet, that’s what most people do each day with their oral hygiene. Even if someone has great brushing habits, but they neglect to floss, they’re leaving behind a lot of plaque and bacteria that can cause both oral health and overall health problems. As any family dentist in Dallas will tell you, flossing removes the bacteria that a toothbrush just can’t reach. Keep reading to learn about four of the biggest consequences of not flossing!

Gum Disease

Unfortunately, an estimated 65 million Americans have gum disease. This condition attacks the gum tissue and underlying bone that supports the teeth and keeps them in place.

The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis, or “inflamed gums,” and usually starts as tender and bleeding gums. In later stages, gum disease can cause chronic bad breath, gum recession and loose teeth. If not treated, it can eventually result in tooth loss.

Dentists in Dallas know that flossing is one of the best ways to prevent gum disease because it removes the root of the problem: plaque and bacteria under the gumline.

Poor Overall Health

Over the last couple of decades, researchers have conducted an incredible amount of studies on the link between gum health and overall health. They’ve found overwhelming evidence that good oral hygiene reduces the risk for all of the following:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Some Cancers
  • Pregnancy Complications
  • Diabetes

At one time, it may have sounded like a stretch to say that flossing could save your life, but it may not be so far from the truth after all!

Bad Breath

The plaque that hides in between the teeth and under the gumline, where a toothbrush can’t reach, contains many strains of odor-causing bacteria. If plaque remains stuck in these hard-to-reach areas, it generates a foul odor that can’t be taken care of with brushing alone!


Last but not least, cavities are a major risk factor of not flossing. The contact points, where the teeth touch together, are so tight that flossing is the only thing that comes between that space and cleans it out.

The contact areas are such a common area for cavities that dentists often refer to them as “flossing cavities,” although a better name might be “not-flossing cavities!”

When it comes to making flossing a habit, remember that you don’t have to be perfect! While flossing each day is ideal, even just flossing 4-5 days a week will make a big difference.

And don’t hesitate to ask a family dentist in Hiram for tips on your technique at your next checkup or cleaning. Sometimes a little extra help is all someone needs to be a more effective flosser!

About the Author

Dr. Jack Bickford knows how important preventative hygiene practices are for oral health. With decades of experience, he knows that his patients who floss have fewer oral health problems and need less dental work overall than his patients who don’t, so he always gently encourages his patients to floss each day. If you have any questions, he can be contacted via his website or at (770) 445-6606.

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