3036 Atlanta Highway, Dallas, GA 30132

Dentist in Dallas GA Explains Threats to Dental Health

August 5, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 9:11 pm

dentist in Dallas GAWhen it comes to your oral health, many often believe that oral hygiene is the only factor that plays a role in the health of your teeth and gums. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. While poor oral hygiene will cause a negative impact on your oral health, there are also many lifestyle habits that pose a threat to your teeth and gums. As your dentist in Dallas GA, we don’t want to see you place your oral health at risk due to poor lifestyle habits.

Top Treats to Oral Health

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is a common condition that also happens to be a large threat to your oral and overall health. In fact, gum disease is now directly linked to causing a wide range of health complications in addition to the oral health consequences. While many believe gum disease is only caused by poor oral hygiene, there are many lifestyle factors that can lead to the condition.

Tobacco Use—Tobacco use of any kind increases your risk for an unhealthy and unattractive smile. Not only will smoking cause your teeth to discolor, but you are likely to develop gum disease as well. In fact, smokers are three to six times more likely to develop advanced gum disease. Not to mention, they are five times as likely to experience bone loss. Smoking decreases your body’s ability to fight infections. As a result, smokers are more susceptible to developing gum disease. Once gum disease develops, treating the condition is harder due to the body’s limited ability to heal properly.

Tobacco users are also more likely to develop oral cancers. In fact, about 90 percent of those with oral cancer are tobacco users. With tobacco users six times as likely to develop cancers than nonsmokers, it’s imperative to your oral and overall health to stop tobacco use as soon as possible.

Oral Piercings—Today, oral piercings are all the rage; however, they do pose a threat to your oral health. Not only can oral piercings become infected, but they are also often the cause of chipped and cracked teeth. In some cases, oral piercings can also cause the gum line to recede, which can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Sugar—We all know that sugar is bad for you, but it’s also bad for your teeth and gums. Our mouths naturally contain bacteria. Sugar consumption causes bacteria levels in the mouth to increase, causing a buildup of acid and plaque. The acid breaks down tooth enamel, causing tooth decay, while the bacteria can lead to gum disease.

Your Dentist in Dallas GA

Distinctive Dentistry strives to create and maintain healthy, beautiful smiles. The first step to promoting a healthy smile is with prevention. In addition to preventive care from your dentist in Dallas GA, you must also decrease risk factors that pose a danger to your oral health. By remaining proactive about your oral health, you’ll protect your teeth and gums from severe damage. If you currently have certain lifestyle habits that threaten your smile, we encourage you to make changes to your lifestyle to protect your smile.

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