3036 Atlanta Highway, Dallas, GA 30132

4 Spring Cleaning Tips to Refresh Your Dental Routine

March 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 1:30 pm
a person cleaning their bathroom

With spring right around the corner, you’re likely making a list of what rooms you plan to deep clean in the next couple of weeks. From moving the couch and rugs in the living room and vacuuming underneath them to cleaning out under your sink, there are so many areas of the home that haven’t been touched in a year! You can refresh your oral hygiene routine at the same time as you’re cleaning your bathroom, too, ensuring that your smile stays as spick and span as your deep cleaned home. Read on for four ways you can refresh your dental routine while you’re spring cleaning.

Get a New Toothbrush

How long has it been since you last got a new toothbrush? If it has been over three months for your manual toothbrush, it’s time to replace it! If you’ve had an electric toothbrush with interchangeable heads for a year or two, you may want to look into all of the new options out there.

While you’re shopping for a toothbrush, keep in mind that soft bristles are a must, as medium or firm bristles can lead to gum damage and put you at a greater risk of developing an oral infection. Depending on your budget, you may want to look into all of the sleek, high-tech electric toothbrushes out there, too. No matter what option you choose, your smile will thank you for a clean and effective new toothbrush.

Scheduling Your Dental Cleaning

Just like the cobwebs in the hard-to-reach areas of your home that have been hanging around for longer than you’d like to admit, unsightly plaque and tartar can accumulate on your teeth, even if you brush them every day. That’s why the American Dental Association recommends scheduling your routine dental checkups and cleanings every six months, or twice a year. There’s no better time to plan your visit than during spring!

Throw Away Expired Dental Products

You may not have realized, but that unopened bottle of mouthwash under your sink that you forgot was there or back-up tube of toothpaste have expiration dates on them. Over time, the active ingredients in these products can breakdown and even dissolve, making them significantly less effective. While you’re cleaning your bathroom, be sure to look through your linen closet and cabinets for expired dental products so you can throw them out.

Give Your Toothbrush Holder a Thorough Cleaning

Polls across the country set out to determine the germiest items in the house revealed a surprising truth—that your toothbrush holder is likely the dirtiest, most bacteria-covered surface! Every time you put your toothbrush into it, the water drips off the bristles and pools in the bottom of the holder, creating the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive in. Be sure to regularly start cleaning and rinsing it starting with a thorough trip through the dishwasher this spring.

About the Practice

At Distinctive Dentistry, our team consists of three highly experienced, personable dentists: Drs. Jack Bickford, Clay Cannon, and Bobby Shirley. They’re all proud and active members of the American and Georgia Dental Associations and love being able to build lasting, trusting relationships with their patients by providing reliable and thorough preventive dental care. For questions or to schedule a checkup and cleaning, visit Distinctive Dentistry’s website or call 770-445-6606.

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